About Jarmila

Is it your cup of coffee?

You sit in a café in a foreign land. The waiter comes and you order your favourite coffee and lovely desert. After a minute you got exactly what you wanted. You ordered in a language you weren’t able to speak before, because you didn’t have enough time for studying. Now you can solve everyday staff without any problem and fear from speaking. You can live in a foreign country and speak with your colleagues. Or you can go to a barbecue with your wife’s parents. Isn’t it wonderful?

Where to find the time for learning languages?

We work hard everyday. Finding the time for ourselves sounds very often like a fiction. Language courses are mostly in the evening. Traffic jams, tiredness from work, a glass of wine or a whisky in your favourite armchair sounds better than a lesson in the city centre. And there is one more problem: „What if I cannot come because of business trip or illness? Can I catch the lesson I missed?“

It's sometimes very difficult to hold on.

I do understand you entirely. It was the same for me. Languages and teaching are my passion and a job as well. Like a native speaker in my homeland I realised I want to find out how difficult is it for my students to live abroad. What language do they speak to cope with all the things needed? Hence I decided to move to a foreign country. I wanted to get a hands-on experience.

Vienna calling.

Vienna is an international city with a suprising interest in Czech language. So the first step was to refresh my German and prepare to job interview in Austria’s capital. That moment came questions: “Where to find the time for my own studying in between the lessons I teach? Can I move without losing my students?” I tried to find the solution every single day.

Online language teaching opens the world.

One day I got an offer to teach online. Suddenly all the things made sense. The new online world opened the door for me. I found many interesting modern programs, tools and apps really helpful for the students. My experience from „present courses“ at universities, in language schools, companies and an integration centre helped me a lot. All the teaching knowledge I gained I use for preparing the best online lessons.

Online lessons made to measure.

My online lessons are inspired by you. They are entertaining, dynamic and they quickly react to your needs. You speak Czech from the first lesson. Even more, online lessons travel with you in your notebook or mobile phone anywhere you go. Let’s use your precious time as much as you can, cosily at home with your favorite cup of tea or during travelling.

Live the life you want. Languages will help you.

I found my online German teacher and studied hard for a couple of months. Now I’m sending you my greetings from Vienna. I teach Czech at elementary school, university, have my private present and online students. Your dreams can come true as mine. I wish you best of luck on your way.